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来源: 中国教育在线     2018年07月10日
点击查看答案参考答案:   二、词汇与语法知识   6.【答案】C   解析:考查不定代词。如果你同时追赶两只兔子,结果会怎么样?A两只(都追上),B(追上)任何一只,C两只都追赶不上,D(追上)任何一只。A语义不符,不选。B代指三者以上的情况,这里是"two hares",故不选。C是对两种情况的全部否定,这里指同时追两只兔子,一只也追不上(比喻事情不能兼顾两头)。D语义不符,同时either多用于否定句。   7.【答案】A   解析:考查副词比较级。该句要表达的意思是:你可以做得比那更好吗?我们的客户期望得到最好的。第一句有than一词,可断定需要填入比较级形式。第二句中,由句意可知,比较的是三者以上的事物,因此要用最高级,故选A。   8.【答案】B   解析:考查主语从句中用作主语补足语的形容词的选用。该句要表达的意思是:在这样一个美好的早晨竟然有人不快乐,这似乎是不可能的。A重要的,B不可能的,C可能的,D常见的。A、C、D语义不符,故选B。   9.【答案】D   解析:考查情态动词表推测的用法。该句要表达的意思是:她还没有来。她的表肯定不走了。我去叫醒她。A应该,B可能,C可能,D必须。B、C错,can/could表示推测"可能性"时,往往用于否定句或疑问句。D对,must表示推测"可能性"时,意思是"一定、准是",语气较肯定,较有把握。A"should"也可表示推测,但语气上不如must肯定,本句中用must更合适。   10.【答案】C   解析:考查时态。该句要表达的意思是:她说贝克先生不得不买一辆新车,因为他的车丢了,造成3000美元的损失。主句的谓语动词said为过去时,决定了从句也应为过去时态,而原因状语从句中谓语动词"丢失汽车"发生在"买车"动作之前,要用过去完成时态,因此只有C正确。   11.【答案】C   解析:考查搭配。该句要表达的意思是:如果我们总是15角不断,能做好什么事?A谈话,B讨论,C争吵、吵架,D呼喊、喊叫。从搭配上讲,A、D不能与among搭配,B为及物动词,而本句空格后没有出现宾语,故不选。   12.【答案】B   解析:考查表示条件意义的祈使句中连词的选用。该句要表达的意思是:从这离开主路,你就到湖边了。表示条件的祈使句+and+表示结果的句子,为固定句型,因此只能选B。   13.【答案】B   解析:考查连接主语从句的关系词。该句要表达的意思是:他现在考虑的不是她的健康,而是安全。A错,that引导主语从句时不做成分,只起连接作用,而这里要填的词需要做think about的宾语。C、D语义不符,故选B。   14.【答案】D   解析:考查动词短语。该句要表达的意思是:小男孩想举手问老师一个问题,但是他不敢。hang up意思是:挂起(某物),wake up意思是:唤醒(某人),lift up意思是:抬起(某物),hold up意思是:举着、举起。从语义上讲,只有D符合。   15.【答案】D   解析:考查as引导定语从句的用法。该句要表达的意思是:正如预料的一样(不出所料),他成功地完成了任务。as引导定语从句时,可以放于句首、句中、句后,先行词可以是一个词,也可以是一个句子或短语,此句中as的先行词是后面的句子。当as从句位于句首或句中时,不能用which来替代。因此答案为D。   16.【答案】D   解析:考查部分倒装结构以及让步状语从句。该句要表达的意思是:尽管我很佩服他这位作家,但是我不喜欢他这个人。A错,flS引导倒装句时的结构为:名词(形容词或副词)+as+主语+谓语。B、C错,how不能引导倒装句,因此只有D正确。   17.【答案】D   解析:考查固定搭配。该句要表达的意思是:她花了一些时间,试着去发现他们接下来会做什么。A花费、耗费,B耗掉,C付款,D花费、耗费。A错在这个词的主语不可以是人。B错在时态不能用一般现在时态。C错,pay可以与money、attention等连接,但不能与time搭配。D对,spend time(in)doing sth为固定搭配,意思是:花费时间做某事。   18.【答案】C   解析:考查省略句。该句要表达的意思是:他没有戒烟,尽管他知道他应该这么做。省略句的情况之一就是,动词不定式中动词省略而仅保留to,以避免重复,因此排除A、B。D语义不符,"尽管他知道他不必戒烟,他没有戒烟"说不通。   19.【答案】B   解析:考查-ing分词与-ed分词用作主语补足语的区别。该句要表达的意思是:电影所描述的故事很激动人心,音乐也很悦耳。动词的-ed分词含有被动含义,主语通常为人;-ing分词含有主动含义,主语一般为物,表示"令人……"的意思。   20.【答案】C   解析:考查put的动词短语。该句要表达的意思是:他们决定将会议推迟到圣诞节之后。A(用毕后)收起、储存,B放下、记下、镇压,C推迟,D建造、举起、供给……住宿。   三、完形填空   【文章大意】   本文讲述了小汽车在美国人心中的地位,以及人们(尤其是年轻人)对小汽车的迷恋态度。   21.【答案】A   解析:本题为词语搭配题。本句的意思是:他们对车很着迷。A狂热的、着迷的,B小心的、仔细的,C确信的,D奇妙的、极好的。be crazy about意思为"着迷"。   22.【答案】C   解析:本题为词义选择题。本句的意思是:在美国,小汽车不仅是最基本的交通工具……。A急速、迅速,B最近的,C基本的,D科学的。not only是否定副词,放于句首时,需要主谓倒装。   23.【答案】D   解析:本题考查not only...(but)also(不但……而且……)句型。本句的意思是:(小汽车不仅是最基本的交通工具,)还是人们的"玩物"。A已经、早已,B仅仅、刚才,C甚至,D也、而且。   24.【答案】A   解析:本题为语境题。本句的意思是:从14岁开始,或者更早些,年轻人就梦想拥有自己的车。A从……开始,B在……之前、到……为止,C在……时候,D到……时候、在……之前。   25.【答案】B   解析:本题为语境题。本句的意思是:从14岁开始,或者更早些……。A更迟的、随后,B更早,C更少,D更多。   26.【答案】D   解析:本题为词语搭配题。本句的意思是:(从14岁开始,或者更早些,)年轻人就梦想拥有自己的车。A喜欢,B想象,C希望、想要,D梦想。be fond of:喜欢做某事,imaginedoing sth:想象做某事,wish to do sth:希望做某事,dream of doing sth:梦想做某事。   27.【答案】C   解析:本题为语境题。本句的意思是:在美国,普通家庭每五年就能买辆新车。A大部分、多数(使用时需加复数,且不需用the),B标准的,C普通的、平均的,D富有的。   28.【答案】C   解析:本题为语境加搭配题。本句的意思是:对于普通家庭,只要父亲不失业,每五年就能买辆新车。out of work:失业。   29.【答案】A   解析:本题为语境题。本句的意思是:然而,很多年轻人都在课余时间靠打工来攒钱买车。A工作,B看,C寻找,D毕业。   30.【答案】A   解析:本题为词义辨析题。本句的意思是:学习开车并考取驾驶执照可能是年轻人生命中最令人兴奋的时刻之一了。A时刻、场合,B技巧,C新闻,D成功。   31.【答案】C   解析:本题为语境题。本句的意思是:驾驶员培训是最受欢迎的课程之一。A俱乐部,B经历、经验,C培训,D测试。   32.【答案】D   解析:本题为语境题。本句的意思是:课程最后,学员将参加驾驶测试。A制作,B举行,C通过,D参加。   33.【答案】A   解析:本题为语境题。本句的意思是:对于很多人来说,考取驾照意味着他们已长大成人。A对于,B所以,c太,D作为。   34.【答案】B   解析:本题为语境题。由下句(People use cars to go to work.)可知,很多人都需要小汽车。A使用,B需要,C应该,D亲爱的、昂贵的。   35.【答案】D   解析:本题为词义辨析题。本句的意思是:家庭主妇们驾车购物、接孩子等。A夫妇,B女人,C丈夫,D家庭主妇们。   四、阅读理解   【短文A:文章大意】   本文主要讲述风的形成。   地球上任何地方都在吸收太阳的热量,但是由于地面每个部位受热的不均匀性,空气的冷暖程度就不一样。于是,暖空气膨胀变轻后上升;冷空气冷却变重后下降,这样冷暖空气便产生流动,形成了风。   36.【答案】B   解析:本题为细节题。题干问的是:强风通常是由于——之间的差异而引起的?A热量,B压力,C大气、空气,D空气。由第二段的最后一句可知,压力差越大,风越大,因此答案为B。   37.【答案】C   解析:本题为细节题。地球的一些地区暖和,一些地区寒冷,是因为什么?结合第一段第三、四句以及第二段的第一句可知,地面不同部位受热不同,地球的许多热量又被反射回太空,因此不同地区冷暖不同,答案为C。   38.【答案】D   解析:本题为主旨归纳题。本文最佳标题为哪一个?A太阳的热量,B压力,C大气,D为什么会刮风。通过阅读全文,可以看出主要讲述地球上为什么会刮风,A、B、C论述不全面,不足以概括全篇内容。   【短文B:文章大意】   本文主要讲述良好的饮食习惯对强身健体的重要性:甜食不宜饭前吃,不然会食欲不振;要按时吃饭;我们生气、激动、烦恼时,可能会没有食欲,随后作者举例说明了这一点。   39.【答案】C   解析:本题为细节题。题干问的是:我们为什么一定要养成良好的饮食习惯?由第一句可知,良好的饮食习惯对强身健体很重要,因此答案为C。   40.【答案】C   解析:本题为细节题。什么时候吃甜食和冰激凌好呢?由第三句可知,饭后吃甜食和冰激凌比较好,因此答案为C。   41.【答案】A   解析:本题为细节题。题干问的是:我们最好什么时候吃饭?A每天的同一时间,B工作结束后,C趁着饭还热,D家人都在家时。由第五句可知,每天固定时间吃饭很重要,因此答案为A。   42.【答案】D   解析:本题为细节题。当一个人心情忧虑时会怎么样?A更有食欲,B喜欢说谎,C喜欢吃冰激凌,D食欲不振。由倒数第二句可知,一个忧心忡忡的人不愿吃干的食物。因此,答案为D。   【短文C:文章大意】   农夫的牛死了。他来到村里最睿智的人面前,诉说这发生在他身上最糟糕的事情。智者说:"这可能是最糟糕的事,也可能不是"。他不以为然。次日,他看到一匹马在他的农场附近,并抓到了它,他去找智者,认为这是最好的事请了。智者依旧说:"可能是,可能不是。"几天之后,农夫的儿子骑马摔断了腿,智者告诫他吉凶难定。结果没过几天,战争爆发了,农夫的儿子因为腿伤没去当兵,最终幸免于难。   这则小故事说明了福祸相依、吉凶难料的道理。   43.【答案】D   解析:本题为细节题。A错,由第二段第一句可知,农夫的牛(而非智者的牛)死了。B错,由第二段第一句可知,农夫(而非智者)没有牲畜耕地了。C错,由第二段最后一句可知,农夫认为智者疯了,而不是智者真的疯了。D对,由第二段第一句可知,农夫去向智者诉说发生在他身上最糟糕的事情。   44.【答案】B   解析:本题为细节题。题干问的是:次日,农夫发生了什么事?A错,由第三段第一句可知,农夫在他的农场附近(而不是他的农场上)看到一匹马。B对,由第三段前两句可知,他在农场附近抓到一匹马。C、D错,由第三段倒数第二、三句可知,农夫觉得这是最好的事,但智者并不这么认为。因此是好是坏并不一定。   45.【答案】A   解析:本题为细节题。由题干中的关键词a few days later,可将答案定位在第四段。A对,由本段第一句可知,农夫的儿子骑马时摔了下来。B错,由本段第二句可知,农夫的儿子摔断的是腿不是胳膊。C错,由本段第三句可知,农夫(而不是农夫的儿子)去找的智者。D错,由本段最后一句可知,农夫(而不是他的儿子)生气地返回村里。   46.【答案】A   解析:本题为主旨归纳题。这一故事想告诉我们什么道理?本文通过讲述农夫与智者的故事,告诉我们吉凶难测、福祸相依的道理,同时文章最后作者对文章主旨也做了概括和强调,即任何事物都有好与坏的两面性。因此,答案为A。   【短文D:文章大意】   任何年龄段的人都有可能犯错误。人们通常会因为什么犯错误呢?有时候是因为钱,更多时候是因为人。而人与人之间之所以会产生矛盾和误会,是因为人们说话时常有言外之意。如果没有领会说话人的弦外之音,就会不可避免地犯错误。那么怎样才能解读说话人真正的意图呢?你可以在交谈时,通过仔细观察说话人的表情、姿态等来进行判断。   47.【答案】D   解析:本题为细节题。题干问的是:我们所犯的大多数错误是关于__________。A朋友,B工作,C金钱,D人。由第一段第三句"But most mistakes are about people"可知,答案为D。   48.【答案】D   解析:本题为逻辑推理题。为什么我们会误会别人呢?由第二段第二、三句可知,有时人们说的话掩盖了他们的真实意思,如果不仔细聆听,就无法领会说话人的真正意图。因此答案为D。   49.【答案】A   解析:本题为细节题。题干问的是:如果有人说:"你真幸运",他可能__________。A有可能是表明他嫉妒你,B视你为敌人,c想成为你的朋友,D觉得你很不走运。由题干中的关键词lucky dog,可将答案定位在第二段,由本段的倒数一、二句可知,他可能嫉妒你,觉得你不该这么走运。因此答案为A。   50.【答案】B   解析:本题为细节题。题干问的是:以下哪个选项不能帮助识别说话人的真正意图?A他的姿态,B他的服饰,c他的语调,D他的眼神。文章最后一段对这一问题作了解答。只有B没有提到,故选B。   非选择题:   五、补全对话   【提示】   本题立足于日常表达。平日里,人们可用不同的说法表达相同的意思,因此此题比较灵活,答案不唯一,符合题意和口语表达方式即可。   51.【答案】Could(can)you tell me the way to Tian'an Men/would you kindly tell me the way to Tian'an Men/how can I get to Tian'an Men/which is the way to Tian'an Men   解析:由下文B的回答可以看出,B在指路,那么A是在问路。结合提示可知,A要找人询问前往******的路。   52.【答案】go along this street/walk down this street   解析:B在这一空之后说到,"第二个路口右转"。结合提示可知,这里需要填入的是"沿着这条街直行"。   53.【答案】Should(Do)I need to take a bus/Need I take a bus   解析:下文B回答说:"不,你可以走着去。"结合提示可知,这里问的是:需不需要乘坐公共汽车。   54.【答案】How far is it   解析:由下文B的回答可推断,A这里问的是步行所需时间。   55.【答案】Thank you(very much)/Thanks a lot/Many thanks   解析:由B的回答可知,A在向他表示感谢。   【参考译文】   A:打扰了,您能告诉我怎么去******吗?   B:当然,沿着这条街直走,在第二个路口向右转。一直走到红绿灯处,然后左转,就看到了。   A:需要坐公交去吗?   B:不需要,可以走着去。   A:需要多久?   B:大约步行10分钟。   A:谢谢。   B:不客气。再见!   A:再见!   六、书面表达   【参考答案】   Dear Dad,   How lucky I am to take part in such a good exchange program ! Here I have learnt what cannot be learnt in class.   Sue's family are very kind. They treat me so well and I feel quite at home. The weather here is very nice and comfortable.   Yesterday I had fun with my foreign friends. Tomorrow we are going to visit Cambridge University. We will return Shanghai on the 20th of December. The plane will arrive at the Shanghai Airport at 10:30 a. m.   Please say "Hi" to Mum and Grandma for me.   I miss you.   Love,   Li Hua



  6. The old man says if you run after two hares (野兔) , you'll catch __________.

  A. both

  B. any

  C. neither

  D. either

  7. Can you do it __________ than that? Our clients expect the

  A. any better; best

  B. the best; best

  C. any better; better

  D. the best; better

  8. It seemed __________ that anyone should be unhappy on such a beautiful morning.

  A. important

  B. impossible

  C. possible

  D. usual

  9. She hasn't come yet. Her watch __________ have stopped. I will go and wake her up.

  A. should

  B. could

  C. can

  D. must

  10. She said Mr. Baker __________ to buy a new car because he his old one. It cost him 3,000 dollars.

  A. has; had lost

  B. had; has lost

  C. had; had lost

  D. has; has lost

  11. How can we ever do anything if we always __________ among ourselves?

  A. talk

  B. discuss

  C. quarrel

  D. shout

  12. Turn off the main road here __________ you will come to the lake.

  A. so

  B. and

  C. but

  D. or

  13. __________ he is thinking about now is not her health, but her safety.

  A. That

  B. What

  C. Whatever

  D. Which

  14. The little boy wanted to __________ up his hand to ask the teacher a question, but dared not.

  A. hang

  B. wake

  C. lift

  D. hold

  15. __________ was expected, he performed the task with success.

  A. Which

  B. That

  C. It

  D. As

  16. __________ as a writer, I don't like him as a man.

  A. As I admire him much

  B. How ! admire him much

  C. How nuch I admire him

  D. Much as I admire him

  17. She __________ some time trying to figure out what they would be doing.

  A. cost

  B. takes

  C. paid

  D. spent

  18. He didn't give up smoking although he knew he __________.

  A. ought to do

  B. needn't do

  C. ought to

  D. needn't

  19. The story of the film is __________ and the music is to the ear.

  A. excited; pleased

  B. exciting; pleasing

  C. excited; pleasing

  D. exciting; pleased

  20. They decided to __________ the meeting until after Christmas.

  A. put, away

  B. put, down

  C. put, off

  D. put, up



  Many people believe that Americans love their cars almost more than anything else. They are 21 about cars. Not only is the car the 22 means of transportation in the States, it has 23 become a 'plaything'.24 the time youngsters become fourteen years old or even 25, they are likely to start 26 of having their own cars.

  In the USA, the 27 family, if the father is not 28 work, can afford to buy a new car every five years. However, many young people 29 after school in order to save money to buy a car. Learning to drive and getting a driver license may be one of the most exciting 30 of a young person's life. Driver 31 is one of the most popular courses. At the end of the course the student will 32 a driving test for a license.33 many, that piece of paper means that they have grown up.

  In the United States, many men and women 34 to have cars. People use cars to go to work.35 drive cars to go shopping, to take the children to school or for other activities.

  21. A. crazy

  B. careful

  C. sure

  D. wonderful

  22. A. quickness

  B. closest

  C. basic

  D. scientific

  23. A. already

  B. just

  C. even

  D. also

  24. A. From

  B. By

  C. At

  D. Until

  25. A. later

  B. earlier

  C. less

  D. more

  26. A. fond

  B. imagining

  C. wishing

  D. dreaming

  27. A. most

  B. standard

  C. average

  D. rich

  28. A. at

  B. from

  C. out of

  D. for

  29. A. work

  B. look

  C. seek

  D. graduate

  30. A. times

  B. skills

  C. news

  D. successes

  31. A. club

  B. experience

  C. training

  D. test

  32. A. make

  B. hold

  C. pass

  D. take

  33. A. For

  B. So

  C. Too

  D. As

  34. A. used

  B. need

  C. ought

  D. dear

  35. A. Couples

  B. Woman

  C. Husbands

  D. Housewives




  The sun's heat warms the air and makes it move. This movement is called wind. Different parts of the Earth receive different amounts of heat. Near the equator (赤道) , the sun is overhead and heats the Earth intensely (强烈). Nearer the poles, the sun's rays strike the Earth at a low angle so the heat is not so intense.

  A lot of the earth's heat is reflected back into spaces, by the atmosphere, clouds, dust in the air and by water, snow and ice. So some parts of the Earth are warm and some are cold. Warm air tends to rise and creates areas of high pressure. As warm air rises, cold air flows in and replaces it. The greater the pressure difference is, the stronger the wind blows.

  36. A strong wind is usually caused by a difference in__________.

  A. heat

  B. pressure

  C. atmosphere

  D. air

  37. Some parts of the Earth are warm and some are cold because__________.

  A. a lot of the heat is reflected

  B. there are clouds and dust in the air

  C. different parts of the Earth receive and reflect different amounts of heat

  D. different parts of the Earth have different sources of heat

  38. The best title of the article is__________.

  A. The Sun's Heat

  B. Pressure

  C. Atmosphere

  D. Why Do Winds Blow


  Our eating habits are very important for good health and a strong body. There are times when most of us would rather eat sweets and ice-cream than meat and rice. Sweets and ice-cream are not bad if we eat them at the end of a meal. If we eat them before a meal, they may take away our appetite(食欲).

  It is important for us to eat our meals at the same time each day. When we feel hungry, it is a sign that our body needs food. When we feel angry or excited, we may not want to eat. A long time ago, in England, some judges used to decide whether a man was telling the truth by giving him some dry bread. If the man could not eat the bread, it showed that he was telling lies. Although this seems very strange and rather foolish, it is indeed a very good way of finding out the fact. A man who is worrying about something has difficulty in eating anything dry. Because he is worrying, he loses his appetite and does not want to eat.

  39. We must have good eating habits because__________.

  A. we want to eat more

  B. we want to enjoy our meals

  C. we want to be healthy

  D. we want to grow up quickly

  40. It is good to eat sweets and ice-cream__________.

  A. when we are hungry

  B. when we want to

  C. at the end of a meal

  D. before the meal

  41. We'd better have our meals__________.

  A. at the same time each day

  B. when our work is over

  C. when the meal is still hot

  D. when every one of the family is home

  42. A man who is worrying__________.

  A. has a better appetite

  B. likes to tell lies

  C. likes to eat ice-cream

  D. has a poor appetite


  There once was a village that had among its people a very wise old man. The villagers trusted this man to provide them with answers to their questions.

  One day, a farmer from the village went to the wise man and said,' My ox has died and I have no animal to help me plough my field! Isn't this the worst thing that could have possibly happened?' The wise old man replied, 'Maybe so, maybe not. ' The man thought the wise man had gone mad.

  The very next day, however, a strong, young horse was seen near the man's farm. The man caught the horse. How happy the farmer was! He went back to the wise man to apologize. 'You were right, wise man. Losing my ox wasn't the worst thing that could have happened. I never would have caught my new horse if that had not happened. This is the best thing that could have happened. ' The wise man replied once again, 'Maybe so, maybe not. ' The farmer thought surely the wise man had gone mad now.

  A few days later the farmer's son was thrown off the horse when riding it. He broke his leg and would not be able to help with the crop. Once again, the farmer went to the wise man, 'You were right again. Catching my horse was not a good thing. My son is injured. This time I'm sure that this is the worst thing that could have possibly happened. ' But, just as he had done before, the wise man replied once again, 'Maybe so, maybe not. ' The farmer stormed back to the village.

  The next day soldiers arrived to take every able-bodied man to the war that had just broken out.

  The farmer's son was the only young man in the village who didn't have to go. He would live, while the others would surely die.

  Remember: maybe so, maybe not.

  43. What happened to the wise man one day?

  A. His ox had died.

  B. He had no animal to help plough his field.

  C. He had gone mad.

  D. A farmer came to say the worse thing had happened.

  44. What happened to the farmer the next day?

  A. A strong, young horse was seen on his farm.

  B. He caught a strong, young horse near his farm.

  C. The best thing happened to him.

  D. The worst thing happened to him.

  45. What happened to the farmer's son a few days later?

  A. He was thrown off the horse when riding it.

  B. He broke his hand and was not be able to go to war.

  C. He went to the wise man to tell him about it.

  D. He stormed out of the wise man's house.

  46. What is the story trying to teach us?

  A. We can't always know what will be good or bad for us.

  B. We can't know what's going to happen.

  C. The worst thing may be the best thing.

  D. The best thing may be the worst thing.


  We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. 'Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen? When I got that great job, did Jim really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?' When we look back, doubts like these can make us feel bad. But when we look back, it's too late.

  Why do we often misunderstand others?? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don't really listen we miss the real meaning behind the words. Suppose someone tells you,'You're a lucky dog'. That's being friendly. But 'lucky dog' .? There is a bit of envy in those words.

  What he may be saying is that he doesn't think you deserve your luck.

  'Just think of all the things you have to be thankful for' is another sentence that says one thing and means another. Wrapped up in this phrase is the thought that your problem isn't important. It's telling you to think of all the hungry people in the world when you haven't got a date for Saturday night.

  How can you tell the real meaning behind someone's words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he say agree with the tone of voice?? His posture(姿势) ? The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real

  meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake.

  47. Most mistakes we make are about__________.

  A. friend

  B. job

  C. money

  D. people

  48. Why do we make mistakes about people?

  A. We are envious of their good luck.

  B. We often feel bad about their words.

  C. We think too much about our own problems.

  D. We fail to listen carefully and miss the real meaning.

  49. If someone says' You're a lucky dog' , he__________.

  A. is possibly showing his envy

  B. thinks you are an enemy

  C. wants to become your friend

  D. feels you are unlucky

  50. Which of the following doesn't help show the real meaning of a person's words?

  A. His posture.

  B. His clothes.

  C. His tone.

  D. The look in his eyes.





  A : Excuse me,51 ?

  B: Sure,52, then take the second turn on the right.

  Walk on until you come to the traffic lights. Then turn left. You can't miss it.

  A: 53 ?

  B: No, you can walk there.

  A: 54 ?

  B: It's only about 10 minutes' walk.

  A: 55.

  B : Not at all. Bye-bye!

  A: Bye!











  Dear dad,

  How lucky I am to take part in such a good exchange program!












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