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来源: 中国教育在线     2019年09月24日


一、1.Vocabulary and Structure

0. A new analysis indicates that the output of cotton______by 20% by now.

A.will have gone up

B.would go up

C.will go up

D.has gone up

1. He wanted to become a cleaner, but his father didn't think it was a______ profession.





2. It is very convenient for me to go to work every day because the bus runs______.


B.every tenth minute

C.every tenth minutes

D.every ten minute

3. ______out of the taxi, he was seized by the police.

A.To step

B.When stepped

C.In his stepping

D.On his stepping

4. I've never been to Africa, but it is the place______.

A.where I most want to visit

B.in which I most want to visit

C.I most want to visit

D.that I want to visit it most

5. No sooner had I______than the play began.

A.been sat



D.been seated

6. He______ killed last night if he had taken part in the surprise attack on the night.

A.might be

B.would be

C.might have been

D.should have been

7. They are______to arrive in time owing to the heavy snowstorm.





8. His wife as well as he______invited to the business party.

A.has been

B.have been



9. The scientists have come to the conclusion, based on the signals and photographs sent back by the satellite, ______there is no life on Venus.





10. They made every effort to______the costs of the construction project.

A.bring off

B.bring down

C.bring back

D.bring up

11. We are all for your proposal that the discussion______.

A.be put off

B.was put off

C.will be put off

D.should put off

12. His son is quite well now, ______a slight fever.



C.in addition to

D.except for

13. The violinist who had been praised very highly______ to be a great disappointment.

A.turned up

B.turned out

C.turned in

D.turned over

14. We don't need heating system, ______.

A.and nor we can afford it

B.we don't afford it

C.nor can we afford it

D.nor can it afford

15. ______ nothing to talk about, he said good-bye and went out of the room.

A.There was

B.There being


D.There been

16. A lot of new difficulties______when the tax system came into existence.





17. What you are saying has nothing to do with the question______ discussion.





18. 'Your daughter has two children, doesn't she? ' 'Yes. She______ in 19'


B.had married

C.was married

D.got married

19. Hemingway spoke highly of such______ as loyalty, courage and determination shown by human beings in his works.





20. The Great Pyramid______nearly five thousand years ago is located on the bank of the Nile River.


B.was built

C.being built

D.to be built

21. There are fifty-five students applying for the position, ______ are girls.

A.two-third of whom

B.second-thirds of them

C.second-threes of whom

D.two-thirds of whom

22. The applicant felt______ and uncomfortable when he couldn't answer the interviewer's questions.





23. We should value the rich legacy of literature which the old generation has______to us.

A.handed out

B.handed over

C.handed in

D.handed down

24. Mr. Smith would just rather we ______ now, but we must go to work.

A.not leave

B.didn't leave

C.are not to leave

D.won't leave

25. He didn't seem to mind______TV while he was reading.

A.me to watch

B.that I watch

C.my watching

D.being watched

26. The news came as a shocking blow that the young man had ______ suicide.





27. The higher you stand, ______.

A.the farther you can see

B.you can see farther

C.the more farther you can see

D.the farther can you see

28. She was so ______ in the computer games that she forgot to have class.





29. There is no______ arguing about it, just do as you are told.





二、2.Word Formation

0. ______(origin) , she was a very shy person.

1. He is majoring in______( politician).

2. Not paying attention to anything his colleagues say, he ______ (frequency) doesn't know what's happening in the company.

3. You don't have to be (religion) ______ to respect other people's religion.

4. Since competition is viewed as the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans, ______(competition) business institutions are respected.

5. It is (certainty) ______ that he will come tomorrow.

6. Correct (decide) ______ came when the referees (裁判) were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second.

7. Look'that little boy is (real)______ a gifted boy.

8. In Britain, water will soon be metered, like gas and ______(electrical).

9. The first phase involved the______(preserve) of wild life through laws and hunting regulations.


1.The management of logistical (物流的) operation is about movement and storage of materials and finished products. Logistical operations start with the initial shipment of a material or component part from a supplier and are finished when a manufactured or processed product is delivered to a customer.

From the initial purchase of a material or component, the logistical process adds value by moving inventory (移动库存) when and where needed. If all goes well, a material gains value at each step of its transformation into finished inventory. In other words, an individual part has greater value after it is put into a machine. Likewise, the machine has greater value once it is delivered to a buyer.

To support manufacturing, work-in-process inventory must be moved to support final assembly. The cost of each component and its movement becomes part of the value-added process. The final or meaningful value that is added occurs only with final ownership transfer of products to customers when and where specified.

For a large manufacturer, logistical operations may consist of thousands of movements, which finally develop into the delivery of products to an industrial user, retailer, wholesaler, dealer, or other customer. For a large retailer, logistical operations may start with gaining products for resale and may finish with consumer pickup or delivery. For a hospital, logistics starts with purchasing and ends with full support of patient surgery and recovery. The significant point is that regardless of the size and type of enterprise, logistics is essential and requires continuous management attention. For better understanding it is useful to divide logistical operations into three areas: physical distribution, manufacturing support, and procurement(筹措、采购) .

Logistical operations are concerned with______.

A.transfer of materials and finished products

B.manufacturing of materials and finished products

C.inventory of materials and finished products

D.both A and C


The logistical process increases value by______.


B.inventory flow

C.finished products

D.operational management


In the last paragraph, the writer gives the examples of logistical operations in order to show that______.

A.a large retailer purchases products for resale

B.a consumer has to pick up or deliver products himself

C.logistics is important to an enterprise and needs continuous management

D.a large manufacturer has to deliver products to its customer


The paragraph following the last one in the passage will probably discuss______.


B.manufacturing support

C.physical distribution



The main idea of the passage is about______.

A.moving inventory

B.logistical operations

C.transformation of materials and finished products

D.storage of materials and finished products

7.Newspapers, along with reporting the news, instruct, entertain, and give opinions. An important way for reading a large, big-city newspaper is knowing how to take it apart. Can you find these separate sections: world news, national and local news, sports, business, entertainment, opinions, classified ads? Does your paper have other sections?

News stories give facts, not the author's opinions. Editorials do the opposite, you can expect an editorial to take sides. Some newspaper editorials have a by-line with the author's name, but many newspapers have unsigned editorials. These reflect the opinions of the publisher or editor.

You can be a better reader if you know what to expect in a newspaper. For example, you can expect headlines to omit unnecessary words. You can expect to find the most important facts in the lead paragraph(the first paragraph) of a news story. You can expect important news items to be on the front page. You can expect less important items to be on the inside pages.

Most of all, the more you know about the current news, the more you will understand what is in the newspaper; important stories are generally presented one day and followed up on following days. So, an important way for reading newspapers is reading one frequently.

A good way to read a large newspaper is______.

A.to do some paper-cutting

B.to read it from cover to cover

C.to find separate sections

D.to predict what is inside the newspaper


Which of the following statements about news stories is TRUE?

A.News stories reflect the opinions of the publisher and editor.

B.News stories contain both facts and opinions.

C.News stories tell the facts without any comments.

D.News stories express the writers' opinions.


If you want to read some less important news without any details, you can read______.

A.the lead paragraphs of the news on the front pages

B.the headlines on the inside pages

C.news items on the front pages

D.the headlines of some current news on the front pages


The best way for reading newspapers is to______.

A.read extensively and thoroughly

B.read often and with certain skills

C.read occasionally and carefully

D.read them in detail everyday


The main idea of the passage is______.

A.how to find important news stories

B.how to read newspapers

C.how to tell apart different news sections

D.how to read stories and editorials

13.Once somebody thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and heavy automobile traffic. Today, we know that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the entire eastern half of the United States and led to health warnings even in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In-fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be affected by air pollution. Some scientists feel that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) is creating a greenhouse effect—holding in heat reflected from the earth and raising the world's average temperature. If this view is correct and the world's temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans will be under water.

Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earth's temperature—a result that would be equally disastrous. A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas. At present we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen (though one recent government report prepared by experts in the field concluded that the greenhouse effect is very likely). Perhaps, if we are very lucky, the two tendencies will offset each other and the world's temperature will stay about the same as it is now.

This passage is mainly concerned with______.

A.the greenhouse effect

B.the potential effect of air pollution

C.the burning of fossil fuels

D.the probability of a new ice age


As described at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution______.

A.had damaging effects on health

B.existed merely in urban and industrial areas

C.affected the entire eastern half of the United States

D.caused widespread damage in the countryside


As far as the greenhouse effect is concerned, the author______.

A.thinks that it will destroy the world soon

B.rejects it as it is ungrounded

C.is uncertain of its occurrence

D.shares the same view with the scientists


The word 'offset' in the 2nd paragraph could properly replaced by

A.set up

B.make up for

C.slip up

D.catch up with


It can be inferred from the passage that______.

A.raising the world's temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on the earth

B.almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade

C.lowering the world's temperature merely a few degrees would lead many major farming areas to disaster

D.the world temperature will remain constant in the years to come

19.Mountain climbers around the world dream about going up Mountain Everest (珠穆朗玛峰) . It is the highest mountain in the world. But many people who have climbed the mountain have left waste material that is harming the environment.

A team of Americans is planning the largest clean-up effort ever on Mountain Everest. They will make the risky trip up the mountain next month.

The team of eight Americans will be guided by more than twenty Sherpas of Nepal (尼泊尔夏尔巴人).Their goal is to remove all the trash they see. They will spend two months cleaning up the mountain by gathering oxygen bottles, fuel containers, batteries, drink cans, human waste and other kinds of trash. They are expected to remove at least three tons of trash in large bags.

Team leader Robert Hoffman is making his fourth trip up the mountain. He says he hopes to bring Everest to the condition it was in before the first successful climb fifty years ago. He says he hopes the effort will influence other people to clean up the environment closer home.

Human waste on Everest is a major concern. So the clean-up team will take along newly development equipment to collect and treat human waste. Over the years, the waste articles have polluted the mountain. In the warm season when the ice melts, the polluted water flows to Nepali villages below. The problem has gotten worse in recent years because climbing Everest has become more popular.

When those Americans are planning the trip up Mountain Everest, they are concerned about______.

A.the success in climbing up the mountain

B.the environment pollution of the mountain

C.the equipment for their trip to the mountain

D.the risks facing the mountain climbers


From the passage we will learn that the clean-up effort______.

A.is the largest one supported by Sherpas Nepal

B.is opposed by the local people

C.is encouraged by the American government

D.is the greatest one ever made in the world


Team leader Mr. Hoffman hopes to turn Mountain Everest into______.

A.a place with no pollution at all

B.its former state a few years ago

C.its original condition half a century ago

D.the cleanest mountain in the world


On the trip up the mountain, the American team plans______.

A.to tell climbers not to leave waste materials

B.to make Everest even cleaner than it was

C.to take away all the trash they could find there

D.to collect and treat human waste before the ice melted


The best title for the passage is probably______.

A.Pollution on Mountain Everest

B.A Risky Trip Up Mount Everest

C.Mount Everest—Clean-up Effort

D.Robert Hoffman and His Clean-up Team


1.Life on Mars

Perhaps more than anything else, scientists are eager to find out if Martian life existed in the past—or still exists.【61】telescopes first zoomed in【62】Mars in the 17th century, people have conjured up a wild【63】of images or what Martians might look like. But space probes like the 1997 Sojourner land rover have yielded no evidence of such alien beings.

Most experts agree that if life did at one time evolve on Mars, finding evidence of that life—which would likely take the form. of tiny organisms—won't be easy.【64】, many scientists are optimistic. 'We've got organisms on Earth that adapted to life deep【65】the surface in underground water wells, ' says Stephen Clifford. '【66】life like that evolved on Mars four billion years ago, there's no reason why it【67】today. '

【68】last year's disappointing losses, the future of Martian exploration looks【69】This year, two major

films about fictitious Mars missions—Red Planet and Missions to Mars—are certain to heighten interest in our planetary neighbour. More important, plans for new sets of NASA orbiters and landers—one to launch in 2001 , the other in 2003—are already in the works. Without a doubt, each new mission will inch scientists closer to【70】the mysteries of planet Mars.




C.Ever since





C.in the

D.on the








B.Even if














A.wouldn't exist

B.wouldn't have existed

C.doesn't exist

D.has existed


A.Even if






B.being promised


D.to be promised




C.be understood

D.the understanding


Section A

Directions: Translate the following English into Chinese.

0. In Britain today women make up 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

1. It is useful to be able to predict the extent to which a price change will affect supply and demand.

2. We love peace, yet we are not the kind of people to yield to any military threat.

3. Whenever circumstances permitted, they would come and lend us a helping hand.

4. It won't make much difference whether you leave or stay.


Section B

Directions: Translate the following Chinese into English.

0. 正式语言主要用于政府报告、考试作文和商业信函中。

1. 据当地报纸报道,昨天这家银行遭到抢劫。

2. 直到天黑了,他才意识到太晚了而无法回家。

3. 既然你明天就要动身,今晚我们可以一起共进晚餐。

4. 英国人对不同的文化和不同的做事方式不太熟悉,这种情况在其他国家也是如此。


0. For this part, you're required to write a composition on the topic 'A Letter to the President'. You should write at least 100 words, and your composition should be based on the description given in Chinese below:

目前,大学生使用手机(mobile phone)的现象很普遍,在一定程度上影响了课堂教学的秩序,人们对此褒贬不一。假如你是康言,请你给校长写一封信,就这一现象谈谈你自己的看法。请注意信的格式。










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